H&C Metals, Inc. Purchases The Following E-Scrap Items:
- CPU Towers (PC’s)
- Servers
- Laptop Computers
- Routers, Hubs & Switches
- Telecom Equipment
- Data Center Scrap
- Loose Power/Circuit and Mother Boards
- Cell Phones
- Tablets & Smart Phones
- Hard Drives
- Power Supply
- Computer Wire
- Aluminum & Copper Heat Sinks VRLA Battery (Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Battery)

Computer & Electronic Scrap Recycling

H&C Metals’ computer and electronic scrap recycling initiative stemmed from a commitment to promote sustainability and protect the environment. Our dedication to diverting obsolete electronic waste & toxins from landfill, led us to become a qualified NJ DEP-approved hauler/handler of electronic scrap. H&C Metals can be found on the DEP’s website as part of New Jersey companies that manage Universal Waste: https://www.state.nj.us/dep/dshw/lrm/uwaste/uwindex.htm. To find our listing, click on Consumer Electronics Recycling Facility List
Technology is moving at an incredible pace. With the ever-changing landscape of consumer electronics such as cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices, your electronics could be obsolete in just a few years. Upgrading your end-of-life devices and electronics equipment is fairly simple, but knowing what to do with your old electronics isn’t.
If you live in New Jersey, as per the 2007 state law (the “Electronic Waste Recycling Act”), you can be fined for putting some types of computers & electronics in the trash because of environmental concerns. Recovering & repurposing many of the materials contained in electronics & computers–such as precious metals, copper & aluminum, is a better alternative than extracting those raw materials from the earth. Luckily, H&C Metals in Newark, New Jersey, has a computer recycling program to accept many of your consumer electronics waste. But before you recycle, you might want to do a bit of preparation.
Computer & Electronic Scrap Recycling
Consumer electronics are the fastest-growing segment of the municipal solid waste stream in the US. Toxic substances contained in electronic products can pose threats to human and environmental health after those products have been sent to landfill or burned in incinerators. For this reason, numerous electronic products have been classified as hazardous waste. Recovering several of the materials contained in electronics, instead of extracting raw materials from the ground (earth), makes environmental sense. H&C Metals, Inc. is proud to be part of the recovery process.
Before recycling your computer, if at all possible, back up all the data on the machine onto a portable hard drive. This would include browsing history, files, photos, etc. Make sure that the drive has completely copied the information you might want to keep because once the hard drive is rewritten or destroyed you can’t get that information back.
To see examples of electronic and computer scrap we accept, view our photo gallery.
H&C’s strict policy is to distribute collected E-Scrap only to domestic dismantlers who have been thoroughly vetted and approved by H&C. These consumers are either e-Steward or R2 certified (electronic equipment recyclers that adhere to the highest standard of environmental responsibility).
Upon request, H&C will provide certified destruction documentation for any end-of-life E-Scrap.
Helpful & Informative NJ Electronic Scrap Recycling Links
New Jersey enacted the Electronic Waste Recycling Act which became effective in 2007. This act places a ban on the disposal of certain electronic devices and requires manufacturers to take responsibility for the recycling of the devices they sell in New Jersey. For further information on that program, you can reference the NJ DEP’s recycling page: https://www.nj.gov/dep/dshw/recycling/
Ferrous scrap also includes: Heavy Steel, Cast Iron, Auto Scrap, Construction and Demolition Materials such as Beams & Trusses, Fire Escapes, Machinery, Sheet Piles, Pipe, Stairways, Warehouse Equipment and Wrought Iron Fences & Gates.

Solid & Hazardous Waste Rule Page. Select the “RECYCLING REGULATIONS – N.J.A.C. 7:26A-1” link:
General information on Universal Waste Consumer Electronics regulations in NJ (draws directly from both state and federal regulations):
The “Technical Manual for Class “D” Recycling Center Approvals for Batteries, Antifreeze, Latex Paints, Consumer Electronics, Mercury-Containing Devices, Oil-Based Finishes, Lamps, and Thermostats” can be found on this webpage: