H&C Metals, Inc. & Balemet Recycling Participates in City of Newark “Slam Dunk The Junk” Cleanup Event
“The City of Newark and New Jersey Clean Communities Council hosted its Twelfth Annual Gateway to a cleaner Newark, citywide cleanup, on October 2, 2014, at Lincoln Park. The City of Newark Dept. of Neighborhood and Recreational Services, organized the event & solicited 500 + volunteers from local businesses, community organizations, schools and residents to team-up to clean-up Newark.
H&C and Balemet provided 2 employees as volunteers. They were provided “Slam Dunk The Junk” Tee-shirts, tools and collection bags for garbage, recyclable materials, and leaves. Lunch was served at the event’s conclusion.
H&C Metals and Balemet have operated in Newark for decades, providing a home for recycled scrap metal and electronic waste to a variety of regional and local business and industry, local government and residents. We are proud to volunteer our services to The City of Newark as their partner in a cleaner environment.”