H&C Metals, Inc. Bolsters its Freon Refrigerant CFC Evacuation and Recycling Program
In response to increased scrap supply from its customers, H&C and its sister company, Balemet Recycling, have once again expanded its Freon evacuation & recovery program. To supplement its existing operations, H&C leased commercial building space designated to be used for processing scrap appliances containing CFC’s. Additional staff with proper Federal EPA credentials (608 Certification) has been hired to perform this important step in the recycling process. By consistently enhancing its recycling programs, such as removing CFC gases from the waste stream before they can be potentially released into the atmosphere, H&C contributes to the health of our environment.

Utilizing can wagons, Local Fire Depts. collect scrap Aluminum Used Beverage Cans (“UBC’s”) in their communities to provide charitable contributions to The Saint Barnabas Hospital Burn Foundation (the research and fundraising arm of The Burn Center, Livingston NJ) and a program called “Aluminum Cans for Burned Children”. H&C Metals supports the efforts of the Fire Departments and The Burn Center by actively encouraging them to deliver their cans to H&C, providing unloading assistance and paying a premium price for the scrap. The funds are then donated back to Saint Barnabas by the Fire Dept.